Alan Rickman


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Hullo there! Welcome to a site about my favourite person in the whole wide world, Alan Rickman.

Alan won my heart when I was four years old (I'm currently fifteen, going on eleven ^^). I saw him in Die Hard and sobbed as the chap fell off the building. Afterwards, I saw him in many other films and came to absolutely adore him and respect him as both a wonderful actor and person. All of his films (that I've seen, of course) have truly left me with a smile on my face... or left me crying uncontrollably for two more hours.

Well, it's been ages since I've updated this site, and frankly, I don't know what to write. Wait, I thought of something. To those who do not care of Alan, but view the site for God knows what reason, I'd really appreciate it if you wouldn't sign the Guestbook and tell me I'm insane for being infatuated an older man. What's wrong with older people? They have all the experience and wisdom! If you have a problem with that, then don't view the site. Thank you!



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